The Importance of Lifestyle Choices

We each lead such different lives, we each make different choices every day - yet we all have one thing in common. Our lifestyle choices affect our body, our moods, and our health.

Lifestyle choices can include:

  • Stress: how much stress we are under and how we manage it

  • Sleep: how many hours of sleep but also the quality of sleep

  • Movement: how much we move and what type of movement we do

  • Nature: how often we get out in nature, fresh air, and sunshine

  • Toxins: how may toxins we are surrounded by or use on or in our bodies

  • Habits: how many habits we have that are not benefiting us

For me the food was my first mode of attack when trying to heal my autoimmune issues. But, within a few days I learned that although food is HUGE it isn't the only area I needed to focus on. I started with a simple plan to move more, and move gently, and to sleep more. That included if I was tired in the afternoon and took a nap, I wouldn't feel guilty about it.

Throughout my life I think most people would describe me as happy. Many people have commented on the fact that I smile all the time. I am happy and I'm certainly old enough to appreciate the life I have. Looking back to 2016 I wasn't myself. I was tired, I was irritable, I was dull. My spark was gone.

I firmly believe what we tell ourselves affects the person we become. I wanted to become healthy, I wanted to regain my lightness. So, I created a very short mantra that I said to myself each morning and each night. At first my manta was far from true, I felt like a fraud saying it because I surely didn't feel it! But all of a sudden several months later it hit me...not only was it true, I really felt it. Gratitude overwhelmed me.

My mantra: I am healthy, I am happy, I am strong.

That night I added to my mantra. Each night I add something that is true, or something I want to experience. I am very grateful for my health, for my life.

If you are struggling or if you just want to improve your wellbeing, just start. It doesn't have to be huge and overwhelming. Small steps taken each day will get you to a brighter destination. Choose one lifestyle choice to work on, then in a little while add another, then another. My mom always taught me that no education was wasted. I'd say the same about positive lifestyle choices. No positive lifestyle choice is wasted. Which one will you choose?


Creamy & Crunchy Chicken Salad


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