What is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)?

The Autoimmune Protocol is a diet and lifestyle protocol to help naturally support the body so that our immune system can calm down and begin to operate as it is supposed to. Basically, it is an eating protocol that floods the body with nutrients it needs to function optimally. But it isn't all about food. AIP also focuses on stress reduction, improving sleep, and becoming more physically active. Don't worry you don't have to run a marathon to improve your health.

AIP supports a healthier digestion, helps normalize gut microbiota balance, and helps regulate our hormones. Your health is dependent on what you put on your fork.

"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

Although many many people feel much improved after following the AIP to support autoimmune diseases of all types, let me be sure to say that there is no real 'cure' for autoimmune diseases. Once your body gets used to attacking itself it will forever be inclined to do so. But, through a nutrient dense diet, sleep, movement, and stress management you can vastly improve and often manage most autoimmune diseases much better. That is not to say you may not have a flare. A flare is defined as 'sudden and severe onset of symptoms' often with zero warning. However, once you understand the AIP process you will have a toolbox of ideas on how to quickly respond if your body goes into a flare.

The good news is that many people can actually put their body into remission from an autoimmune disease and then manage it through diet and lifestyle choices. This is not a guarantee and may not be forever, if you are able to do this - appreciate it, honor it, and never take it for granted.

AIP's main tenants are to remove a wide variety of foods that are inflammatory or cause the most gut issues. Broadly think of foods as in two possible groups: pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Think of the AIP diet as a temporary eating protocol, it is not meant to be followed forever. You will want to reintroduce some foods after you let your body heal and your symptoms stop or greatly decrease.

As I mentioned above it is not all about food. Food is what most people focus on and for sure it is extremely important. But even a diet made of amazing food is often still not enough for a body wrecked by an autoimmune disease. We need to focus on the entire body, not just what we put into our mouth. I always think 'food first' then everything else rounds it out. How long we sleep, how well we sleep, how much we move, what stress we are under, and how we manage it all play a major role in our overall health. When you choose to do AIP don't discount the lifestyle and mindset parts, trust me, they are a game changer.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

This post was just an introduction about the AIP. If you want to learn more stay tuned, I plan to create fun handouts that are easy to follow guides to the AIP plan. And I am in the process of creating an online course for those that really want to dive into the AIP to regain their health and vitality. Following AIP was a life saver for me, it changed my life. I know that sounds extreme - but it is completely true. Without it I would have been on medications the rest of my life, I would have just been masking my symptoms. Now I manage my symptoms through diet and lifestyle. Zero side effects! Aloha


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