Why the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) supports blood sugar balance

Most people who go on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) do so to help naturally support and heal from an autoimmune disease. The AIP has been scientifically proven to help reverse various autoimmune diseases, restore a healthy gut, decrease most or all symptoms, and give vibrancy back to the person.

When going on the AIP you eliminate all grains, sugar, legumes, dairy, soy, nuts/seeds, and nightshades. But I think for most people the elimination of sugar has the most immediate health benefit and noticeable impact.

Blood sugar regulation directly affects your brain health, hormone balance, energy production, inflammation, organ tissue health, metabolism, and oxidative stress. Your brain is the primary organ that oversees blood sugar regulation. We don’t often realize that because we think insulin…but before insulin reacts our central nervous system kicks in.

When we consume sugar our pancreas releases insulin to help our body deal with the impact of the sugar by bringing our blood glucose levels down. But too much insulin is often released and then will end up being stored in our liver and skeletal muscles. Our body often becomes insulin resistant when we consume sugar (and processed refined foods) year after year.

Our liver is an often under appreciated organ. It performs over 500 functions in your body each day. It converts the glucose through a process for storage until we need quick energy then converts it back. It is also involved in converting fatty acids, producing triglycerides, cholesterol, bile, and in storing nutrients. But, if it becomes overwhelmed with too much sugar and too many refined foods it can get bogged down and worse become what is known as a nonalcoholic fatty liver which can cause a whole host of health issues.

Eating AIP and following the lifestyle and mindset guidelines will help your body:

Improve its insulin resistance

Improve your cravings for sugar by reducing cortisol

Lowers the gherlin hormone which is your “I’m hungry” hormone

Reduces inflammation of the entire body, even in the brain

Resets your tastebuds so you recognize naturally occurring sugars, like in berries, as being sweet

Improves detoxification pathways

Eating a nutrient dense diet based on your own bio-individual needs is the best way to rebalance your blood sugar. Our metabolic needs will change throughout our lives and depends on if you are pregnant, an athlete, ill, elderly, etc. Eating AIP is about allowing your body to heal so that you can reintroduce foods and enjoy them as they are meant to taste without your tastebuds being deadened by sugar all while healing your gut and regaining your health. If you are interested in going on the AIP check out my new online course Aloha AIP.


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