How to Detoxify Your Body with Food

Detoxification has been popular for several years now. But what is detoxification? It is cleaning up your blood by removing impurities from your organs, in particular the liver. Our bodies are amazing and can process toxins in many ways. The liver is probably one of the most powerful organs regarding detoxification. But when your body needs to rid itself of toxins we can do so through the skin, lungs, and kidneys as well.

Some forms of detoxification are quite intense and should only be done under a doctor's care. But there are numerous things you can do to just 'clean up' your system. These can be done all together or one at a time as it fits your lifestyle and needs.

Add these foods:

Part of a good detox is not just about what foods to add but what foods or substances we need to stop consuming. Adding the good and ditching the bad at the same time will give you the maximum benefit.

Ditch these items:

If you are a minor, nursing mom, or have caner or tuberculosis consult a doctor before doing any detoxification. I am not a doctor and my recommendations are for general educational purposes only. I am not treating or diagnosing any illness.


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