Live With Aloha

We have lived in Hawaii for six years. It was a lifelong dream to live here since first visiting when I was eleven. Of course it is beautiful, breathtakingly so. But it is more than that. It is the people, the culture, the food, the vibe. I don't know how else to say it, Hawaii is like no where else.

The word Aloha is really an acronym for five words in Hawaiian, the meanings of which are: Kindness, Unity, Agreeable, Humility, and Patience. The word 'aloha' is spoken when greeting, when parting, or just in passing. It is such a wonderful all encompassing word. I firmly believe that if we each lived with a little more aloha, the world would be a far better place.

It is my goal in the Live with Aloha section to share a bit of the aloha spirit, a bit of Hawaii with you. I will share restaurant ideas, products from local vendors, and images of this glorious state. If you come visit Hawaii I hope you use this page as a resource. Or maybe you are in need of some aloha and order some products from these fabulous vendors. Either way I am sending you warm aloha hugs and until we meet again "a hui hou".


Maple Glazed Donuts (using Almond Cow pulp)


Sweet & Yummy Strawberry Paleo Cupcakes