Maravelous Mitochondria
Warning: This post will be a bit more ‘science’ oriented than my other posts. However, the topic of our mitochondria is vital to great health so stick with me to learn how to support your’s holistically.
Each cell in our body has a nucleus, this nucleus is where our DNA is stored. Within our cells are microscopic energy houses called mitrochondria. And as you can imagine each cell requires nutrients to function correctly and optimally.
When we consume or live in a toxic environment our cells and therefore mitochondria can become damaged. Too many years of using poor quality body lotion? Too many years eating all conventionally raised foods? Too many years of drinking tap water?
Mitochondria create what is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) or energy. ATP is the energy that gives each cell the ability to function. Thus, keeping our mitochondria healthy and full of the energy they need is what will help support a healthy body. Fueling for a healthy mitochondria can help support chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune diseases.
Signs your mitochondria need support:
You consume the Standard American Diet. Too many refined foods and sugars.
You are over the age of 55.
You experience frequent fatigue.
You take prescription drugs, in particular statins.
You have metal toxin issues (mercury, lead, and aluminum).
You consume alcohol frequently.
You have frequent headaches.
You have been diagnosed with a chronic illness.
Symptoms of Mitochondria Damage:
Grey hair
Muscle weakness
Cognitive issues
Wrinkles on your face
Congestive heart failure
Visual and hearing problems
Healthy mitochondria is created by consuming:
Grass-fed beef
Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts
Extra virgin olive oil
Grass-fed butter and ghee
Wild caught salmon
Coconut oil
Offal (organ meats)
Supplements to support healthy mitochondria:
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin B (get a good complex one)
How eating the right foods supports a healthy mitochondria:
Healthy fats transport vitamins and minerals throughout your body.
Healthy fats help to insulate our vital organs from damage.
Healthy fats help control hunger and cravings.
Mitochondria health is a good predictor of aging and aging related diseases.
This aging can start as early as age 55.
Brain fog and memory loss are common.
Don’t panic
Our cells are constantly regenerating and therefore our mitochondria can be quickly supported by dietary changes. I try to focus on eating well balanced and nutrient dense meals. Each small change you make towards a healthier diet is supportive of healthier mitochondria.