BioCharger for optimal health

What is a BioCharger? It is a unique energy source that optimizes your own energy for better health and wellness. It uses 4 energy types simultaneously to restore your energy, strength, and clarity, all while rebalancing and realigning the energy in each cell in your body.

Sound amazing? It is!

The 4 energy sources

Light: This is not the light from your ceiling fan, nor from the sun. It is a different wavelength of light that is programmed to inform our physical and cognitive cells to restore them to health.

Frequencies & Harmonics: Found in nature they are produced by electric discharge from natural phenomena like lightning strikes within our solar systems and beyond. The BioCharger harnesses electric discharge to deliver customized frequencies and harmonics with unlimited benefits.

Voltage: The voltage supplied by the BioCharger is similar to the lightning discharges on earth. Voltage is vital to our everyday cellular process and is a regular aspect of our nutrition. Electrolytes within the cells open the cell membranes allowing for open pathways for detox and cell rejuvenation.

PEMF: For the same reason, individuals practice “Earthing” or “Grounding”; the BioCharger allows for an amplified and optimized transfer of electrons in and around your body. The BioCharger fine-tunes PEMF therapies to different frequencies throughout each session without needing to be attached to any devices.

What to Expect

Improved Energy

Faster recovery after a workout or injury

Increased performance

Sharper mental focus

Restorative sleep

Improved flexibility while decreasing joint pain

Why Have I Never Heard of This?

It is a new technology, but the idea and knowledge date back to the late 1800s. The first operational BioCharger was built in 2002. Studies and trials were done, and in 2013 a redesigned version was built.

How Do I Use It?

Basically, you sit in front of it…that’s it. There are numerous ‘recipes’ to chose from depending on what body part or symptom you wish to support. There are currently over 1,500 different ones to chose from. They take between 8-15 minutes depending on your choice. Some common recipes are: inflammation, eye support, shoulder support, thyroid up/down support, detoxification, memory improvement, better sleep, cardiovascular support, etc.

Where Can I Find Out More?

I use the BioCharger at my local Osteostrong when I go each week for my appointment. I have a blog post about Osteostrong if you are interested in learning more. Often times chiropractors, functional medical doctors, professional athletic teams, universities, and private holistic businesses have a BioCharger. You can purchase one for your home, but they are quite pricey.

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